Información del curso
Formato: HTML
Código: SSCE03
Horas: 240

Categorías: , ,


UD1. Let me introduce myself.

    1.1. Need for a change.
    1.2. Grammar workshop. Present continuous.
    1.3. Welcome to Edinburgh.

UD2. Once upon a time.

    2.1. A strange night.
    2.2. The poets corner.
    2.3. Once upon a time in England.

UD3. Enjoy your trip!.

    3.1. What a difficult decision!.
    3.2. Destination: Ireland.
    3.3. Cultural facts. Molly Malone.

UD4. I haven’t seen you for ages!.

    4.1. I’ve never tried it before!.
    4.2. The bill, please.
    4.3. Enjoy your meal.

UD5. How can I help you?.

    5.1. I’m a compulsive shopper.
    5.2. Cultural facts: Wales.
    5.3. Shopping at Harrods.

UD6. I’m into new technology.

    6.1. I’m a technofile.
    6.2. Cultural facts: Northen Ireland.
    6.3. I am the best candidate for that job.

UD7. If I were in your shoes.

    7.1. If I could, I would.
    7.2. Cultural facts: The educational system in Great Britain and the United States.
    7.3. Dear Mr. Jones.

UD8. I’m not feeling a hundred per cent.

    8.1. I need a rest.
    8.2. The honour of the knight.
    8.3. Linking words.

UD9. Farewell!.

    9.1. The film is being shot!.
    9.2. Would you fancy a rom-com?.
    9.3. I´ll miss you.

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